Youth Calendar

Upcoming Events

Youth Ministers’ Meeting
Wed, Feb. 12, 2025
10:00am - 12:00pm
Diocese of Central Florida
1017 E Robinson St
Orlando, FL 32801
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Fri, Mar. 7, 2025
All Saints Episcopal Church
338 E Lyman Ave
Winter Park, FL 32789
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Youth Ministers’ Meeting
Wed, Mar. 12, 2025
10:00am - 12:00pm
Diocese of Central Florida
1017 E Robinson St
Orlando, FL 32801
Learn More >

Featured Events

Diocesan Event

Grounded Youth Retreat

Grounded is a conference-style youth retreat event designed for you and your youth to hear, engage and experience the gospel of Christ.

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Diocesan Event

Soul in the City

Soul in the City is a Summer mission/service trip experience where youth groups gather from around the diocese to go to one parish for a week of working on projects in the community and playing and worshiping together.

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Diocesan Event

New Beginnings Retreat

New Beginnings, a long-standing ministry created in the Diocese of Central Florida, will host a unique retreat for middle school students, led by high school and college students with support from adult leaders.

New Beginnings

The Youth Ministry Coordinators Are Here For You!

Our Youth Ministry Coordinators Team is comprised of devoted individuals who are not just leaders, but mentors, friends, and guides on this spiritual journey. Each member brings their unique gifts, talents, and experiences to foster a welcoming, inspiring, and supportive environment for our youth. Email them to set up an appointment to discuss how they can support you in your ministry.

The Rev. Garcia Barnswell-Schmidt

Youth Ministry Coordinator

The Rev. Garcia Barnswell-Schmidt is the School Chaplain at Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy, in Melbourne FL. She also serves as a mentor to school chaplains in the NAES Chaplain Mentorship Program.

Rev. Garcia’s areas of specialty include:

  • School Chaplain at Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy, in Melbourne FL
  • Mentor in the NAES Chaplain Mentorship Program
  • Worship Leadership for Young Children and Teens
  • Children’s Chapel, Programming & Storytelling
  • Pastoral Care and Mentorship

Rev. Garcia believes that the ministry of youth and families is fundamental. Her love of children and her passion to teach them about God drives her ministry forward. She is happy to serve and support you in your ministry needs, even if it’s just simply to talk or use her as a sounding board for your ideas.

The Rev. Kevin Bartle

Youth Ministry Coordinator

The Rev. Kevin Bartle has served as rector at St. Mary of the Angels, Orlando, since his ordination in 2018. He holds a Master of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary, Orlando, and completed Anglican studies at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Jacksonville.

Rev. Kevin’s areas of specialty include:

  • Rector at St. Mary of the Angels Episcopal Church, in Orlando FL.
  • Diocesan Events: Soul in the City and New Beginnings
  • Leadership and Training for Diocesan Youth Leaders
  • Middle, High School, and Young Adult Ministry Development
  • Pastoral Care and Mentorship

Throughout his life, Kevin has continually felt a calling to attend to the care and development of youth. He taught elementary students, worked as a psychiatric assistant in a residential facility for adolescents facing mental health challenges and served as youth pastor for a handful of churches within the diocese. Today, Kevin continues his investment in the next generation by serving as the director of New Beginnings and as a chaplain at Camp Wingmann’s winter and summer camps.

The Rev. Jared Jones

Youth Ministry Coordinator

The Rev. Jared Jones is rector at Holy Cross Episcopal Church in Sanford. He received his Bachelor of Science in Biblical Studies from Liberty University and his Master of Divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, where he is currently working on his Doctor of Ministry degree.

Rev. Jared’s areas of specialty include:

  • Rector at Holy Cross Episcopal Church, in Sanford FL
  • Diocesan Events: Grounded
  • Family Ministry Formation
  • Curriculum and Educational Resources
  • Pastoral Care and Mentorship

In 2022, while serving as an associate priest at All Saints in Winter Park, Jared helped start “Grounded,” a diocesan-wide youth weekend that had over 75 students and leaders in attendance. With regard to student ministry, Jared’s focus is making sure that middle and high school students find their way into youth environments with leaders who love them and preach the Gospel.

Recent Articles

Check out these stories from Central Florida Episcopalian Online about what’s happening around the diocese with Children and Youth. And explore more articles here.

#CFDioceseYouth On Instagram

Follow the hashtag #cfdioceseyouth for more!

🌟 Honoring Nurse Brenda 🌟

As we get closer to camp, we want to take a moment to celebrate the amazing people who make camp so special. Today, we honor Nurse Brenda!

She has been a part of camp since the summer of 2000, and if you’ve ever met her, you know just how much love she pours into this place. Not only does she care for our kiddos, but she also takes the time to write personalized cards for every counselor—a true testament to her kindness and Christ-filled heart.

One of the many steps we take to ensure your child’s safety and well-being at camp is having a certified nurse on-site 24/7 while camp is in session. Our Nurses stay overnight on campus for the entire duration of camp session, so your campers are always in caring, capable hands.

Brenda, thank you for all that you do! We are so blessed to have you as part of our team. You keep our littles safe, and we can’t wait to see you this summer! 💙⛺✨

Drop a comment below to show Nurse Brenda some love! 💕

#CampFamily #ThankYouNurseBrenda #SafeAndSound #SummerCamp2024 #CampWingmann #cfdioceseyouth
Shopping for..
We just finished a amazing study with the youth on the prayers of Advent. And you can find the notes on the blog at...

It's amazing how rich and robust the conversation can be when you slow down and explore these beautiful prayers and soak in each word.

Many of the youth felt like this study helped then REALLY understand the reason for the season... of Advent... and seeing how Advent is very different than Christmas itself. 

And some shared how much the Advent perspectives we explored should shape us for the entire rest of the year too.

Check out our post on the study, and spend some time meditating on and discussing these great prayers.

#EYCmountdora #cfdioceseyouth #cfdiocese #youthministry #youthmin #youthgroup #advent #episcopalyouth #episcopalian #prayer
THANK YOU to everyone that gave their time & gifts to serve at Soul-in-the-city last week! What a wonderful week! #soulinthecity2024 #cfdioceseyouth cfdiocese

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